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Mixtures of trees

We define a mixture-of-trees (MT) model to be a distribution of the form:

Q(x) \;=\; \sum_{k=1}^m \lambda_k T^k(x)


\lambda_k \geq 0, \;k=1,\ldots,m;\;\;\;\;\;\;\; \sum_{k=1}^m \lambda_k \;=\;1.

The tree distributions $T^k$ are the mixture components and $\lambda_k$ are called mixture coefficients. A mixture of trees can be viewed as containing an unobserved choice variable $z$, which takes value $k \in\{1,\ldots m\}$ with probability $\lambda_k$. Conditioned on the value of $z$, the distribution of the observed variables $V$ is a tree. The $m$ trees may have different structures and different parameters. In Figure 1, for example, we have a mixture of trees with $m=3$ and $n=5$. Note that because of the varying structure of the component trees, a mixture of trees is neither a Bayesian network nor a Markov random field. Let us adopt the notation

A \;\perp _{P} \;B\;\vert\;C

for ``$A$ is independent of $B$ given $C$ under distribution $P$''. If for some (all) $k \in\{1,\ldots m\}$ we have

A \;\perp _{T^k} \;B\;\vert\;C\;\; {\rm with}\;A,B,C \subset V,

this will not imply that

A \;\perp _{Q} \;B\;\vert\;C.

On the other hand, a mixture of trees is capable of representing dependency structures that are conditioned on the value of a variable (the choice variable), something that a usual Bayesian network or Markov random field cannot do. Situations where such a model is potentially useful abound in real life: Consider for example bitmaps of handwritten digits. Such images obviously contain many dependencies between pixels; however, the pattern of these dependencies will vary across digits. Imagine a medical database recording the body weight and other data for each patient. The body weight could be a function of age and height for a healthy person, but it would depend on other conditions if the patient suffered from a disease or were an athlete. If, in a situation like the ones mentioned above, conditioning on one variable produces a dependency structure characterized by sparse, acyclic pairwise dependencies, then a mixture of trees may provide a good model of the domain. If we constrain all of the trees in the mixture to have the same structure we obtain a mixture of trees with shared structure (MTSS; see Figure 4).

Figure 4: A mixture of trees with shared structure (MTSS) represented as a Bayes net (a) and as a Markov random field (b).
(a) & (b)

In the case of the MTSS, if for some (all) $k \in\{1,\ldots m\}$

A\;\perp_{T^k}\;B \vert C,


A\;\perp_Q\;B \;\vert\;C\cup\{z\}.

In addition, a MTSS can be represented as a Bayesian network (Figure 4,a), as a Markov random field (Figure 4,b) and as a chain graph (Figure 5). Chain graphs were introduced by Lauritzen:96; they represent a superclass of both Bayesian networks and Markov random fields. A chain graph contains both directed and undirected edges.

Figure 5: A MTSS represented as a chain graph. The double boxes enclose the undirected blocks of the chain graph.

While we generally consider problems in which the choice variable is hidden (i.e., unobserved), it is also possible to utilize both the MT and the MTSS frameworks in which the choice variable is observed. Such models, which--as we discuss in Section 1.1--have been studied previously by friedman:97 and friedman:98a, will be referred to generically as mixtures with observed choice variable. Unless stated otherwise, it will be assumed that the choice variable is hidden.

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Journal of Machine Learning Research 2000-10-19