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Random bars, small data set

The ``bars'' problem is a benchmark structure learning problem for unsupervised learning algorithms in the neural network literature [Dayan, Zemel 1995].

Figure 8: Eight training examples for the bars learning task.

The domain $V$ is the $l\times l$ square of binary variables depicted in Figure 8. The data are generated in the following manner: first, one flips a fair coin to decide whether to generate horizontal or vertical bars; this represents the hidden variable in our model. Then, each of the $l$ bars is turned on independently (black in Figure 8) with probability $p_b$. Finally, noise is added by flipping each bit of the image independently with probability $p_n$. A learner is shown data generated by this process; the task of the learner is to discover the data generating mechanism.

Figure 9: The true structure of the probabilistic generative model for the bars data.

Figure 10: A mixture of trees that approximates the generative model for the bars problem. The interconnection between the variables in each ``bar'' are arbitrary.

A mixture of trees model that approximates the true structure for low noise levels is shown in Figure 10. Note that any tree over the variables forming a bar is an equally good approximation. Thus, we will consider that the structure has been discovered when the model learns a mixture with $m=2$, each $T^k$ having $l$ connected components, one for each bar. Additionally, we shall test the classification accuracy of the learned model by comparing the true value of the hidden variable (i.e. ``horizontal'' or ``vertical'') with the value estimated by the model for each data point in a test set. As seen in the first row, third column of Figure 8, some training set examples are ambiguous. We retained these ambiguous examples in the training set. The total training set size was $N_{train}=400$. We trained models with $m=2,3,\ldots,$ and evaluated the models on a validation set of size 100 to choose the final values of $m$ and of the smoothing parameter $\alpha $. Typical values for $l$ in the literature are $l=4,5$ ; we choose $l=5$ following dayan:95. The other parameter values were $p_b = 0.2, p_n = 0.02$ and $N_{test}=200$. To obtain trees with several connected components we used a small edge penalty $\beta=5$.

Figure 11: Test set log-likelihood on the bars learning task for different values of the smoothing parameter $\alpha $ and different $m$. The figure presents averages and standard deviations over 20 trials.

The validation-set log-likelihoods (in bits) for $m=2,3$ are given in Figure 11. Clearly, $m=2$ is the best model. For $m=2$ we examined the resulting structures: in 19 out of 20 trials, structure recovery was perfect. Interestingly, this result held for the whole range of the smoothing parameter $\alpha $, not simply at the cross-validated value. By way of comparison, dayan:95 examined two training methods and the structure was recovered in 27 and respectively 69 cases out of 100. The ability of the learned representation to categorize new examples as coming from one group or the other is referred to as classification performance and is shown in Table 1. The result reported is obtained on a separate test set for the final, cross-validated value of $\alpha $. Note that, due to the presence of ambiguous examples, no model can achieve perfect classification. The probability of an ambiguous example is $p_{ambig}\;=\;p_b^l+(1-p_b)^l\;\approx\;0.25$, which yields an error rate of $0.5 p_{ambig}=0.125$. Comparing this lower bound with the value in the corresponding column of Table 1 shows that the model performs quite well, even when trained on ambiguous examples. To further support this conclusion, a second test set of size 200 was generated, this time including only non-ambiguous examples. The classification performance, shown in the corresponding section of Table 1, rose to 0.95. The table also shows the likelihood of the (test) data evaluated on the learned model. For the first, ``ambiguous'' test set, this is 9.82, 1.67 bits away from the true model likelihood of 8.15 bits/data point. For the ``non-ambiguous'' test set, the compression rate is significantly worse, which is not surprising given that the distribution of the test set is now different from the distribution the model was trained on.

Table 1: Results on the bars learning task.
Test set ambiguous unambiguous
$l_{test}$ [bits/datapt] 9.82 $\pm$ 0.95 13.67 $\pm$ 0.60
Class accuracy 0.852 $\pm$ 0.076 0.951 $\pm$ 0.006

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Journal of Machine Learning Research 2000-10-19