Theorem 2: An ordered Gibbs sampler applied to a
consistent dependency network for , where each
is finite
(and hence discrete) and each local distribution
positive, defines a Markov chain with a unique stationary joint
distribution for
equal to
that can be reached from any
initial state of the chain.
Proof: Let be the sample of
after the
iteration of the ordered Gibbs sampler. The sequence
can be viewed as samples drawn from a homogenous
Markov chain with transition matrix
having elements
. The matrix
is the product
, where
is the ``local''
transition matrix describing the resampling of
according to the
local distribution
. The positivity of local
distributions guarantees the positivity of
, which in turn
guarantees the irreducibility of the Markov chain. Consequently,
there exists a unique joint distribution that is stationary with
respect to
. The positivity of
also guarantees that this
stationary distribution can be reached from any starting point. That
this stationary distribution is equal to
is proved in the
After a sufficient number of iterations, the samples in the
chain will be drawn from the stationary distribution for . We
use these samples to estimate
. There is much written about
how long to run the chain before keeping samples (the ``burn in'') and
how many samples to use to obtain a good estimate (e.g., Gilks,
Richardson, and Spiegelhalter, 1996). We do not discuss
the details here.
Next, let us consider the use of Gibbs sampling to compute
for particular instances
are arbitrary disjoint subsets of
. A naive approach uses
an ordered Gibbs sampler directly. During the iterations, only
samples of
are used to compute the conditional
probability. An important difficulty with this approach is that if
is small (a common occurrence when
contain many variables), many iterations are required
for an accurate probability estimate.
A well-known approach for estimating
small is to fix
during ordered Gibbs sampling. It is not
difficult to generalize the proof of Theorem 2 to show that this
modified ordered Gibbs sampler has a stationary distribution and
yields the correct conditional probability given a consistent
dependency network.
is rare because
contains many variables, we can use
the independencies encoded in a dependency network along with
the law of total probability to decompose the inference task into a
set of inference tasks on single variables. For example, consider the
dependency network
. Given the independencies specified by this network,
we have
Algorithm 1:
1(* the unprocessed variables *)
2(* the processed and conditioning variables *)
3(* the values for
4 While![]()
5 Choosesuch that
has no more parents in
than any variable in
6 If all the parents ofare in
8 Else
9 Use a modified ordered Gibbs sampler to determine![]()
13 Return the product of the conditionals![]()
The key step in this algorithm is step 7, which bypasses
Gibbs sampling when it is not needed. This step is justified by
Equation 1.